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Live Life Intentionally

By Amber Yoder, 09/14/2017 - 3:01pm

Live Life Intentionally

by Barb Mitzelfeldt


“Live life intentionally.”

This phrase has been going through my mind a lot lately.

In a world of constant rush, rush, rush, and people striving for careers and money and success; how many times do we think of living our life with a purpose and specific intent to achieve the small things that bring joy? How much do we really care about each of the moments we’ve been given?

I’ve worked in retail, I’ve been a manager, I’ve been a baker with long hours of being on my feet and being exhausted at the end of the day. I’ve sat at a desk for hours, typing word after word. I’ve answered the phone multiple times a day, cheerfully assisting customers.

All those jobs (and many others) bring sometimes mundane days where it’s just the same old thing, time after time. The daily grind. The daily commute. You get up, swallow some caffeine, and just hope the day will be a good one. You do what you have to do. And realistically, we are human and that’s a part of life, to keep going even when you don’t feel like it.

But what if we laid our heads down on our pillows each night and thanked God with a genuine heart of gratitude for the blessing of life? If we got up each morning and thanked God for a brand new day of opportunity? Each cup of steaming coffee, each word we are able to read, the comfortable shoes we slide into; each time the car starts and you reach your place of destination safely.

The friend who took the time to listen to you as you ranted about yet another annoying incident at the grocery store. The teller at the bank who greeted you with a dreary look of dejection. The busy mom who is so exhausted because her baby cries on and on and on, and her husband is laid off work. Your husband who came home from work with an aching back and a discouraged face.

Thank that friend, speak life into the teller, take time for the busy mother and bless her with a meal or opportunity to rest, encourage your husband, rub his back and thank him for providing for you and your family.

Take time for yourself.

Watch a plant grow.

Read a book.

Shut off the TV, put away your cell phone.

Play a board game with your family.

Go sit with your grandmother, listen to her. Treasure your loved ones and the time that you were given to bless others and make a difference.

Soak up the sunshine, and be thankful for the rain.


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